This month, I am starting to introduce the Lil' Tiger to her alphabets. I am starting out slow as I am also still trying to learn how to teach her the alphabets.
I spoke to her carers at daycare to see what activities they are learning there at the moment and coincidentally they were learning their alphabets and numbers too! YEAY! That way she wouldn't be too overwhelmed by all these things that she needs to learn.
I laid out a simple matching game for her one afternoon using flashcards that I already have on hand. I only used the first 10 alphabets just to see if she finish the activity. I got her to watch me match capital letters to small letters. Once I was done, I reshuffled the cards and laid it down randomly for her. The LT did brilliantly she matched almost all the letters correctly. :)
My next goal now is to introduce the alphabets individually. We are starting with the letter O this week.
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