The Lil' Tiger and I love riding our bikes. And why not? We live close to the river and there are heaps of bike trails around for us to explore. I think this will be one of our monthly if not fortnightly mummy daughter thing to do.
The Lil' Tiger is of the age where she knows what things are and is curious about other things. On our bike ride, she always ask me questions from the back of her seat. "Mummy, what is that?" or "Mummy look, a truck! Weeee" I love this stage. The curious stage. To see everything again in through her eyes. To teach her things that I usually take for granteed. To learn new things with her and to grow up together.
We usually stop over and take a break at one of the parks on our route. She loves playing at the park. Slides are her favourite. Over the past few months, she has learnt how to climbe the stairs and ladder by herself. She doesn't need me to hold her hands up the stairs or help her up the ladder anymore. She would go on the slide over and over and over again until I tell her it's time for us to go. Sometimes, she is happy to go, sometimes not so much. I will then explain to her that we have to go home because it's getting dark or its lunch time and will give her at least 5 minute as a warning. I realise if I give her such warning, she will know what is expected ofher and go without a fuss. That doesn't work some days though, but for now, I will take the positive over the negative. :)
{ Looking at different types of ducks in the river}
{Always curious about things}
{Observing her surroundings. Taking it all in}
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