At the moment, the Lil' Tiger and I are learning our ABC's. We have been singing the song to her over and over and over and OVER again. We have been singing it in the car, while she takes her bath, while she eats and when we go to bed. She knows the song now by heart. Apart from the L M N O P part which she sings, "KALALALALA P". :)
So I told the guys over at Magnamail that she was learning her ABC's and they have very kindly sent me a wooden snake puzzle with ABC's on it. Thank you Magnamail. Now I can visually teach the Lil' Tiger to recognise the alphabets. The Lil' Tiger loves a good puzzle set (pictured above). So now when we sing together, we put the puzzle pieces together too. I am hoping that one day, when I randomly pick up a piece she would be able to read out what letter it is on the puzzle.
What I love about the puzzle pieces is how bright it is! And I know one thing about teaching kids, the brighter the colour the better it is to get their attention. When the Lil' Tiger saw the puzzle pice for the first time all she said was "WOW PUZZLE". Yep. SOLD!
For those of you who don't know Mangamail, Magnamail have been around since 1974. How do you buy things from them during that time? Well.... magically by catalogue of course. :) My first experience with Magnamail was when I was a student. I got home one night from my job and there was a catalogue in a plastic on my door knob. My sister and I we love catalogues, so we flicked through this one for a while asking each other what would we use the items for and etc. I remember I was intrigued by a pair of scissors with a laser light on it so that you are able to cut paper or something in a straight line! I so wanted to get it but alas, I was a poor student and spending money on something that cool would be a huge nono.
Now you can go on to Magnamail ONLINE and browse through their catalogue still in the comfort of your own home! You don't have to wait for someone to drop the catalogue on your doorstep anymore. YIPPIE.
So HERE IS THE FUN BIT! Magnamail has graciously offered to give one of my lucky readers an Item from their WEBSITE. It can be ANYTHING you want. Anything. How brilliant are they? Here is what you do.... you can enter in as many times as you like with my handy dandy rafflecopter widget. (There is a catch to get multiple entries though but it's totally up to you.) Go on to the MAGNAMAIL website, have a look see and pick an item you think is the coolest (trust me they have a lot) and tell me about it in the comments section. Then go on and tell your friends about the cool things you have seen on the Magnamail website and that is it. Owh... you have to "LIKE" MLIM Facebook page (if you are still not on it) and also "LIKE" the Magnamail Facebook page as well.
SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Entries close 12am 17 January 2013.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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