Firstly.... Can I ask you to watch this video? All the way.
This is what you see on TV OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN right? You can even see it on Youtube on your phone or on your computer. Pretty normal now a days for images like these to be seen EVERYWHERE right?
So tell me one thing? WHY does these images / act causes a lot of DRAMA?
Why can't mothers like these girls breast feed their baby in public without being made like they should be ashamed of it? Can someone please explain to me why is this still a contraversy? Can someone please tell me why we are still debating about this? Why?
The Lil' Tiger saw these photos (not the video) and she said "Mummy, is that mummy feeding baby milk? Baby is hungry so baby drink milk. " See even my 2 year old child can comprehend that it is about feeding a baby and nothing more.
P/S: While I understand some mums can't breastfeed, this post is for those who can and were made ashamed by people who feels "uncomfortable" with this simple act.
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