Meet Mozart or Crap Cat as Nana and I affectionately call her. Yes Mozart the composer. She is a small cat with a LOUD VOICE. She is one hell of a cat. Very spoiled. She will only drink the water that comes out of my parents bathroom tap. Yep. They have a water bowl for her in there. She wakes everybody up at 5am by meowing outside your door till you open it and ask her to shut her tiny little trap. She is 6 years old and half of toby's size. I remember Nana told me once that Mozart was scared of a tiny little mouse. Imagine that a cat, afraid of a small baby mouse. *LOL*
Now meet Eddie (Black and White) and Jay (White). The only 2 boys at home. They love my mom to bits. Would follow her everywhere if she is at the back of the house. Jay is always happy because when he sees any of us he will wag and wag and wag his ass of. As for Eddie he is a little bit moody. He is scared of taking pictures because when ever he sees me holding it he will bolt to his dog house.
I miss Mozart , Jay and Eddie to bits.
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